When in danger, people may have good intentions, but once out of it, they forget about them
Var.: Когда тонул - топор сулил, а когда вытащили - топорища не дал
Cf: Danger makes men devout (Br.). Danger past and God forgotten (Br.). Danger past, God is forgotten (Am.). The devil was sick, the devil a monk (a saint) would be; the devil was well, the devil of a monk (a saint) was he (Br.). Once on the shore, we pray no more (Am., Br.). The river past, and God forgotten (Am.). A vow made in the storm is forgotten in the calm (Am.). Vows made in storms are forgotten in the calms (Br.). When it thunders, the thief becomes honest (Am., Br.). When the devil was sick, a monk was he; when the devil was well, the devil of a monk was he (Am.). When the sea is crossed, the saint is generally forgotten (Am.). When the voyage is over, the saint is forgotten (Am.)

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